Aino.Token (aino v0.6.0)

The token is what flows through the entire web request

This module contains helper functions for dealing with the token, setting common fields for responses or looking up request fields.

At the end of a middleware chain, the token must contain three keys:

  • :response_status
  • :response_headers
  • :response_body

These keys are used for generating the request's response.

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Add a key/value pair to the assigns map on a token

Start a token from an :elli request

Reduce a token over a set of middleware.

Get a request header from the token

Set the response body

Get a response header from the token

Append a response header to the token

Set all response headers on the token

Set a response status on the token

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: map()

Link to this section Functions

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assign(token, key, value)

Add a key/value pair to the assigns map on a token

iex> token = %{assigns: %{}}
iex> Token.assign(token, :name, "User")
%{assigns: %{name: "User"}}
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Start a token from an :elli request

The token gains the keys [:request]

iex> request = %Aino.Request{}
iex> token = Token.from_request(request)
iex> token.request == request
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reduce(token, middleware)

Reduce a token over a set of middleware.

Takes a list of middleware, that may be either another list of middleware or a function that has an arity of 1.

Optionally you can use a two element tuple, the first element is a middleware function reference, with the second element being a list of options.

Options available for middleware during runtime are:

  • ignore_halt, default false, if set to true the middleware will always run and not be short circuited by a halted token.

For example

middleware = [
  &Aino.Middleware.Routes.routes(&1, routes),
  {&Aino.Middleware.logging/1, ignore_halt: true}

reduce(token, middleware)
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request_header(token, request_header)

Get a request header from the token

This must be used with Aino.Middleware.headers/1 since that middleware sets up the token to include a :headers key that is downcased.

The request header that is searched for is lower cased and compared against request headers, filtering down to matching headers.

iex> token = %{headers: [{"content-type", "text/html"}, {"location", "/"}]}
iex> Token.request_header(token, "Content-Type")
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response_body(token, body)

Set the response body

When setting a response body, you should also set a Content-Type header. This way the client can know what type of data it received.

The token gains or modifies the keys [:response_body]

iex> token = %{}
iex> Token.response_body(token, "html")
%{response_body: "html"}
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response_header(token, response_header)

Get a response header from the token

This must be used with Aino.Middleware.headers/1 since that middleware sets up the token to include a :headers key that is downcased.

The response header that is searched for is lower cased and compared against response headers, filtering down to matching headers.

iex> token = %{response_headers: [{"content-type", "text/html"}, {"location", "/"}]}
iex> Token.response_header(token, "Content-Type")
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response_header(token, key, value)

Append a response header to the token

Response headers default to an empty list if this is the first header set

The token gains or modifies the keys [:response_headers]

iex> token = %{}
iex> Token.response_header(token, "Content-Type", "application/json")
%{response_headers: [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}]}

iex> token = %{response_headers: [{"Content-Type", "text/html"}]}
iex> Token.response_header(token, "Location", "/")
%{response_headers: [{"Content-Type", "text/html"}, {"Location", "/"}]}
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response_headers(token, headers)

Set all response headers on the token

If response headers are present, they are cleared. This directly sets the :response_headers key on the token.

The token gains or modifies the keys [:response_headers]

iex> token = %{}
iex> Token.response_headers(token, [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}])
%{response_headers: [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}]}

iex> token = %{response_headers: [{"Content-Type", "text/html"}]}
iex> Token.response_headers(token, [{"Location", "/"}])
%{response_headers: [{"Location", "/"}]}
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response_status(token, status)

Set a response status on the token

The token gains the keys [:response_status]

iex> token = %{}
iex> Token.response_status(token, 200)
%{response_status: 200}